From articles to personal stories, our blog contains a treasure trove of relatable “knowledge gems” that demystify the riddle of living from an authentic spiritual core in all the glory of the day-to-day.
Signs you are stuck in your head.
Discover the signs your stuck in your head and out of alignment within your mind/ body/ soul matrix. Physical symptoms, behavioural patterns, even energetic blocks can keep us stuck moving through life on just the mental plane. Here you can discover not only what the signs are but also how to get out of your head.
3 Things that helped me feel more at home in my body.
To the sensitive Soul trying to feel at home in a body! Read this!
Three things I’ve learnt that have helped me feel more at home in my body.
Self Mastery in relationships: Exploring Boundaries
Five Lesson’s I’ve learnt about boundaries in relationships that have helped me transform my fear of rejection into deeper, more meaningful connections.
Navigating July in Alignment: My Collective Energy musings for this month!
Monthly energies always have a nature to them and aswe start to become more and more aware the cycles that we can experience and witness start to take on new deeper meanings.
Discover the Benefits of Having A Spiritual Guide During Life's Journey
I would put money on the fact that if you've found yourself here, you are probably going through some kind of awakening, dark night of the soul/ shamanic death type thing. Or maybe you’re just a struggling sensitive who is trying to figure out why you know all the things, and have all the practices and yet your day feels pretty stuck and less than magical…
Is the need to be DOING robbing you of the magic of BEING?
Is the need to be DOING robbing you of the magic of BEING? How the stories we tell each other help us unfold from panic.
Sound Baths are better than Psychedelics!
Understanding the effects of healing sounds on the way our minds and body work can help us work on a deep & more rewarding level with powerfull medicine Sound Healing offers.
What is a Sound Bath?
We absolutely love Sound Baths! Read more here about how we understand and experience the magic of sound and how we weave into our Sound Bath events. Depression, anxiety & lack of lust for life can all feel very different after a deep Sound Healing session.
What happens in a Women’s Circle?
The most common question that pops up in my DM’s is Bex- “What actually happens in a Women’s circle?”
If you are complete newbie, or a seasoned pro when it comes to circles, you can find out exactly what happens in my Circle here- I say exactly, there obviously will be some surprises, else what’s the point!
Why are Women’s Circles needed now?
A brief ramble and musing over why Women Circles are needed now, and perhaps why we are seeing a real resurgence of women coming together to remember.
What is a Women’s Circle?
Women have been gathering in circle since the beginning of time. In this article you can find out what a women circle is, and how it’s grown up to blend the ancient rituals with where the modern women finds herself today.
Fertility Reflexology and Natural Conception
Find out how Fertility Reflexology and natural conception can help you on your journey into motherhood.
Is this a spirit guide?
Here Oliver talks a little about why it took him a while to come around to the idea of Spirit Guides and why when he did it made all the difference in the world!
How to connect with your spirit guides in 7 easy ways.
How spirit guides can help heal your life!
Easy ways to create a daily self-care practice when you have a family?
How to crack your work/life/family balance.