Client Stories
These are real words from real people.
We are sure you’ll relate with the challenges and reasons for why these people reached out to us for help.
We share these with you in the hope that you are inspired to believe that realising your potential and happiness is not only possible but also worthwhile.

How Kate got her Sparkle back.
Kate’s friend turned to her one day and said “you’ve got your sparkle back”.
And right back at the beginning of her journey she didn’t even realise she had a sparkle to lose!
Kate had an unshakable feeling that there had to be a better way to feel.
Bad day after bad day, followed by an okay day.
When Kate first reached out, it was because of a knowing…a calling that led her our way…

How Lucy found inner peace.
We wanted to share with you Lucy’s story, because if you’ve thought
“man they make it sound soooo easy”
“surely it’s not this simple”
“this will never happen for me”
Then my friend you NEED to read this story, because Lucy said all of these things too…

How Deborah stepped into the darkness.
Tells the tale of a time where the “shit really hit the fan” ( her words - not ours)
What do you do In a moment where it feels like your whole life is coming crashing down around you?
When you feel lost, rejected, ungrounded, confused?
And your heart and your mind are warring against each other, trying to find the answer?
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how well versed we are in looking after yourself, when life throws a curveball it can really make us wobble…

How Sam unlocked his chronic pain with meditation.
Here at Sol Energies we believe our physical symptoms are the messengers for our emotional body.
This means, when we experience a physical pain, aches, chronic illness etc we look beyond the symptom to discover what message our body is trying to tell us.
Because “The body keeps the score”
And when we really tune into this we realize our bodies provide a powerful compass - helping us navigate our experience, and remember who we are…