

They say that the relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship in your life…and it’s true.

Sol Alignment unlocks the fundamental keys you desire for redefining your life.

Through our support and expertise you will walk bravely, stand tall and embrace even the most tender parts of your inner-being.

Are you ready to step out of the dark?

We are in a relationship with everything…

Ourselves, Other Beings, Humans, Family.

The world around us, nature, the sun, the elements and animals.

The things we ingest i.e. food, TV, social media.


Our jobs, work, and careers.

Our bodies.

Our pain and also our pleasure.

As the layers begin to peel away, Sol Alignment helps you ask the questions that reveal who you truly are.

All those relationships between “you and you”, and “you and your world” point to places where you are disconnected within.

Success, Vitality, Wealth, Connection even Divinity are all things you can define in your own unique & expressive way.

As these layers peel away…

You will learn how to live life on your own terms. To honour yourself, to value your own inner peace and have the skills to cultivate it.

We walk and guide you through the shedding of these layers.

It is time to declare a truce with your inner critic, to let old hurts be, to give yourself permission to reimagine and breathe new life into your experince.

Gathering your strength and journeying further, we get to uncovering your truth, discover your gifts, birth new desires & dreams, and learn to live fearlessly and free.

From this place we unlock the holy grail - authentic connection with others and the world around us.

The “knowing” & fire that is rising inside you is driving you forward.

You are ready to carve your own path as an authentic, sovereign being of light.

How do we help you get there?

We aren’t here for the story, we are here for the chapter.

We know the people we serve in this container are being called to a big life transition and initiation.

In this container we serve as doulas for the soul.
— Oliver & Rebecca

How we Support you.

The path you are on is particular and unique to you, this is where the magic is. It is the path of your own unique, beautiful & honest Alignment.

A rebirth into Alignment. 

With over 5000 hours of treatment experience between us, we offer a unique and completely bespoke way or working together.

We pride ourselves on our sensitivity to your nervous system and energetic matrix.

We utilize our “clair” gifts to bridge between your soul and human self, bringing clarity, tenderness and expansion to your heart and real long lasting change to your life.

We weave grounded practical, science, biology and epigenetics with natural, spiritual and metaphysical.

We do this with our own unique creation : Quantum Somatic Healing™.

We have blended our years of training and insight into a modality which serves the current age and the humans here now on this Earth.

Those looking to anchor the light for themselves and for the collective evolution of all.

Addressing the particular challenges we all face in the modern age - nervous system disregulation, social & economic pressures and the confusion and disorientation caused by the great unveiling of reality, old structures and false histories we are all here to contribute to.

Looking to take the next step?

  • Sol Alignment can be booked in blocks of 4, 8 or 12 sessions.

  • Each session is 90mins long and can be done either In-Person at our Healing Chapel or Online.

  • Your sessions can be spaced as we all agree is best for you.

  • We secure all the dates in the diary from the very beginning so the passage, journey and container is clear, safe & effective for all.

Block of 4 - £600

Block of 8 - £1200

Block of 12 - £1800

For all enquiries and to BOOK please use the form below. Once you start - the wheels of change begin to turn

What is Quantum Somatic Healing?

We help you clear and process the emotional baggage. 

Unhelpful patterns & beliefs, if held for long enough, can manifest in our physical bodies. These tensions and holding patterns can be decades old, waiting for the right circumstances and “safety through felt connection” to unwind and release.

We help you build and nurture. 

You will learn tools, awareness, and methods of nervous system regulation so you can continue to thrive and navigate change with a newfound sense of safety, clarity, and confidence. Your physical body will be supported by our advice and care as you shed and detox old layers physically, mentally and emotionally.

We help you reclaim your sense of self. 

Your sense of self, authenticity & freedom can only be actualised through a deep sense of being in your body aka embodiment. The somatic exercises we share with you will give you direct experience of your own body and a strong and caring inner emotional literacy to help you interpret your world for the better. 

And finally, using our psychic gifts and intuitive abilities we guide you to self-align your soul's trajectory & physical body with your higher purpose. This looks and feels like a deeply integrated, conscious and connected experience with yourself and the world around you. This is how you will unlock your own gifts.

It is uniquely personal and rich. What this looks and feels like for you is so special - this is why the world lights up when you are Aligned. This is what that little part inside of you has always known is possible. This is the itch that cannot be denied. This is the knowing that some parts of modern experience are just not healthy for us.

Looking to take the next step?

Block of 4 - £500

Block of 8 - £900

Block of 12 - £1200

For all enquiries and to BOOK please use the form below. Once you start - the wheels of change begin to turn

Want more info about our One-Off Sessions?