What is a spirit guide?

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

In this blog I share with you what a spirit guide is and who they are to us. I will introduce you to the main 5 spirit guides each of us have and how to call upon them throughout our day.

Connecting with our guides is a wonderful and life changing experience. My life has changed for the better by receiving guidance, love and support in every area of my life, and it can change yours too.

Turns out every single one of us has a whole team of energy supporting us day in and day out.

Usually, one of the first questions someone asks us - well who are they?

Is it a friend who has passed over?

My nanna?

My dad?

And my answer is, not exactly…

Those people will almost certainly be with you, but being a spirit guide is a special kind of job over on the other side, and there are many different guides that come along to help us all out.

So the first thing to say is a spirit guide is a bit like a teacher/mentor, a counsel, wisdom keeper, healer, protector, guardian, and overall cheerleader/groupie for you!

We don’t just have one - we have many. In fact I’ve seen whole communities step forward with some people. 

Some we have life time after life time, others just for this life, just childhood, just adulthood, for transitions like birth and death, different roles and lessons we come to learn. This might look like one to help with motherhood, another to help with self love and respect, another to teach you and help you remember your intuitive gifts.

You need it - there’s a guide for it.

AND the best thing of all - you call on them - and they are there in an instant ready to help.

Now being a guide is specialist work - there is a level of mastery that comes with the job, which is usually why your nana and gramps isn’t your spirit guide per se, although they can definitely pull a few strings to help you towards that new job promotion or send love your way.

So what are the different types of spirit guide I hear you say?

Here is a brief overview of the main guides who will make up your squad in spirit.

  • Archangels- with any luck you’ve heard of angels like Archangel Michael, or Archangel Gabrielle. They are the leaders of the angel realm and have a very large and expansive energy signature. Each of them have a speciality or area of expertise. For example you might like to call on AA Michael if you need some protection, strength or help with communication. I also call upon AA Michael when we are clearing karmic chords and contracts for people. The archangels work with many many humans all at the same time ( which is very clever if you ask me) and I would also say it is these guys that perform miracles. Next time you see me, ask me about the angel that visited me when I had sepsis.


  • Guardian Angels- These guys are exclusive to you. Many of us talk about having a guardian angel in our hour of need or keeping a watchful eye over us to keep us safe from danger. They are really there, and usually stand right behind us. They are completely devoted to loving and helping you unconditionally. My favourite thing to do is to ask mine for a hug. I feel their wings wrap around me and cover me in love- it is pure bliss.


  • Spirit animals- One of my favourites. These guys are the messengers and can change from one day to the next depending on what you are learning. They are wonderful teachers. Pay attention to the animals that pop up in your day. This might be in a dream, landing on you, in your back garden, or on a stranger’s t-shirt. If it meets your eye and catches your attention - take note!


  • Ascended Masters - These are the folk that once walked earth living journeys of deep spiritual practice, growth and left their mark here. We are talking about people like Buddha, Mother Mary, and Jesus. They are profound teachers of wisdom, love and harmony.

No matter the religion or culture they experienced in human form, they serve us all no matter our preference.

  • Benevolent beings- At the moment, more than ever, we as a collective are experiencing so much outside help from higher energy beings. This might be starseed forms like the Pleiadians, Sirians, the galactic federation, the counsel of light, all of which are overseeing the ascension of the collective at the moment. We can receive healings, downloads, blueprints and activations from these beings to raise the vibration of the collective. They also form part of our star family ( because not all of us are from round here. Never felt like you fit in down here and longed to go home - yup I’m talking to you. If you are visited or have sightings from your star family at the moment they are helping you awaken to your soul mission because now is your time).


  • And most importantly ….Your team of light:

Also including:

  • Protection allies, healing angels, energy sweepers and free lance angels  (I mean- what a job title hey?!)

Now when we first start out, we quite often want a name, or a picture/ image of who we are connecting with, but the truth is, these guys are energy signatures. This means they are formless, and usually pure light, geometry and codes.

When they give us a name or a picture, it is for our benefit because the human mind likes a form to be able to bridge the connection.

Finally our spirit guides won’t tell us what to do. They serve our highest good, and may encourage a particular choice but they will never ever get in the way of our own free will.

Second to that, they never judge us for it either.

They just keep loving us, supporting us, cheering us on, no matter what!

It is completely unconditional!

So there you have it - a little introduction to your squad.

Ready to connect? 

Read here on how to connect with your spirit guides in 6 easy ways.


How to connect with your spirit guides in 7 easy ways.


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